Days 288-294

October 15-21, 2010

Day 294
Another pretty autumn day here in Turin

Day 293
gnjamm gnjamm look what my inlaws got me today

Day 292
Boiling some pasta for dinner

Day 291
The entrance of my appartment building

Day 290
A Sunday afternoon in late October. Luca kicking around walnuts in the park

Day 289
A random object around the house. A souvenir from a very hot wedding last July

Day 288
The pipes have been concrete coated and we've got a floor again


Days 281-287

October 8-14, 2010

Day 287
I feel very fortunate. I get to walk this pretty path to work every morning

Day 286
Made a fruit salad for dessert. I can see now that the ginger isn't very photogenic

Day 285
The work goes on at the house although I think Luca is making the electrician crazy with his domotics demands

Day 284
I'm hard at work catching up on the blog, and here is the secret ingredient

Day 283
Riverside view in b&w

Day 282
Autumn can be so pretty

Day 281
A beer from the bucket


Days 274-280

October 1-7, 2010

Day 280
My pretty sunglasses

Day 279
The workers made a hole in the wall and they found this weird guy inside.

October 1-7, 2010

Day 278
A bucket of beer to cheer up the day.

Day 277
When kids start preschool here in Italy, they're supposed to bring specific checkered bags with their names on. When my friend told me that she was going to use a felt tip pen I begged her to let me embroider it.

Day 276
Got some yummy homemade jams from Nonna Ines today.

Day 275
This tube is very important to me. It means that I'll be able to put the washing machine exactly where I wanted. The plumber wasn't sure about the draining at first.

Day 274
One good thing about the changing seasons is lighting candles and cozy up at home with a good book and a glass of wine.


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